Saturday, December 29, 2007

Secret Santa is stylishly late...

I got so caught up in the true spirit of Christmas (that is, I got caught up opening all of my Christmas presents!), that I completely forgot that I signed up for Zaius and Monkerstein's Simian Secret Santa. Now Dr. Zaius is being difficult about the whole thing. I think that I should get some kind of special consideration and be allowed to be a little late, after all the whole thing was my idea.

Anyway, Dr. Monkerstein had emailed me that I drew Bubs, and in the spirit of arriving stylishly late (very stylishly, of course!), I promptly went to the Sprawling Ramshackle Compound, made a beeline for the Tiki Bar, and whipped up a few Mai Tai's to put the whole holiday season in the proper perspective. Bubs and I certainly see eye to eye in the Tiki Department! I love Tiki things. Tiki Bars, Tiki Totems, Kon-Tiki, An-Tiki's, Little Yellow Polka Dot Bi-Tikis...

...So I got Bubs a pair of Rubber Tiki Gloves for Christmas! For all of his holiday latex glove needs, wants and desires.

I got a pair for Mizbubs, too!


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

You're all heart at the holidays aren't you?

Joe said...

Wow! Wow!

Thank you! Look for a little something under YOUR tree tomorrow...

Joe said...

Ms. Gregarious, your presents have arrived!

And thanks for those cool rubber gloves. Those things are getting a lot of use around here.

Dr. Zaius said...

Well, I'm glad that you got that sorted out. Those would be great to use when washing out MaiTai glasses!