I am in actual distress over this. Ladies, I regret to inform you that Jellys are back.
This is from Wikipedia : "They were very popular in the 1980s till the 1990s when a pair could frequently be purchased for under a dollar."
Worse, Bloomingdales now has a pair bedecked in Swarovski crystals that retail at $115.00.
Is this a sign of the apocalypse? I bet Dr. Zaius knows. Being a post apocalyptic orangutan and all.
America, I weep for us.
my daughter loved her jellies back in the 80's. often it was the only pair of shoes I could get that child to wear so they can't be all that bad.
Is this a sign of the apocalypse
I vote yes, because the apocalypse won't be pretty. ;-)
I am with my man Batocchio on this one! Yeeech!!!
FranIam shudders and then screams.
I need to get into the underpantsatorium stat!
liberality jellies, like crocs, should not be worn by those over the age of 13.
batocchio but an Ape-ocalypse could be swingin'.
franiam ah, if one could but stay in the underpantsatorium forever-wouldn't it be divine?
comrade kevin even the ones with goldfish inside?
Hey, anything is betting than Crocs!
I always had the fucked up habit of chewing on them
angry It's understandable, I would chew on your shoes!
getkristilove oh, my dear, how many ways can they fake something so wonderful as shoes?
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