Monday, April 28, 2008

Dr. Zaius Goes Camping.

Ah, how difficult it is to be a celebrity presidential candidate from the future. Impossible to let your hair down and head out for a little get-back-to-nature retreat without pesky paparazzi following you about.

Oh, dear Dr. Z. Now you've got the humans in a titter because they believe they are seeing an orangutan use a spear for the very first time! If they only knew about General Ursus!


Unconventional Conventionist said...

No wonder he has "No Time For Blogging Today!" Those damn paparazzi.

Jess Wundrun said...

Ms. Gregarious, I have tagged you

Dr. Zaius said...

This certainly isn't the first time that you have seen my spear, Ms. Gregarious. ;o)