Monday, June 9, 2008

The Go Away Georges

Darlings, my presidential competitor, iSplotchy, who is really nothing more than a pipe stuck in some quik-crete, has dreamed up a fantastic little game that I have been enjoying over the weekend.

It seems that this little sawed off pipe gentleman programmer has made a little widget that we can all use. We just click and it counts us as standing as one and shouting "Go Away Bush". (This is something my Brazilian Waxer says as well, but in a different context.)

Well, I have been having a grand time creating little faces of George for the Go Away counter. And when I say I, I do mean Enrique.

Here are the two I (Enrique) did:

I (Enrique) tried in vain to do Nurse Ratched, but strangely it didn't look all that different than the real George, except for the plucked eyebrows. Some crazy dear did a George Bush as what I asssume to be Dirty Sanchez, and perhaps we should have all stopped ourselves after that most appropriate image, but I (we) couldn't help myself (ourselves).


Splotchy said...

You (and Enrique) have produced some awesome pics!

dguzman said...

Nice work!

Fran said...

Fabuloso Enrique and GG!

When I see that top photo all I can think is that I'd tumble for ya...

And the bottom one makes me think of fava beans and chianti!!

Unconventional Conventionist said...

I swear, one day I shall steal/liberate Enrique from you. How much did he cost you again? :)

Swinebread said...


too true

GETkristiLOVE said...

Mahvelous dahling!