Thursday, December 20, 2007

Holiday Potluck at the Rumpus Room on Saturday!

I'm having a Holiday Potluck at the Rumpus Room on Saturday the 22nd - Everyone is invited! I know that this is short notice, so please just come as you are. No need to wear that holiday sweater from Aunt Sophie, unless of course you want to.

If everybody could just RSVP a link to an image or recipe of what they would like to bring in the comments below, then I will post them Saturday night. It's an open bar, so if you are planning on drinking and driving, don't forget your car.


Dr. Zaius said...

I'll bring my appetite!

Swinebread said...

I'm gonna bring:

Also, you can you can slice and dice any of these images as you see fit if it helps. In fact you can use them anytime for anything.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

I really like green bean caserole but I rarely had it growing up. I mentioned that to my mother in law once and so now she makes it all the times and tells everyone that it's my favorite.

BAC said...

I would LOVE to be there. Why don't I bring my famous jello salad -


GETkristiLOVE said...

I'll bring the cake! Something we can both sink our teeth into.

Fran said...

Solid food is so five minutes ago.

So I will be bringing this.

I sure hope you will have a match for me...

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I brought drinks for everyone, Zaius has them.

Freida Bee said...

OOOh, I missed the potluck! Thank you for filling me in on all the goodies I missed. Next best thing tyo being there.